Tuesday, 30 November 2010

The Road Less Ravved (2)

 I might have mentioned Elijah yesterday. In Chronicles and/or one of the book of Kings, there's a description of him repeatedly petitioning God to send rain that God had promised. Elijah during this process kept sending his servant scampering up the hill to report on the cloud front. Yet there was nothing. 7 times he sent his servant up that hill, all to no avail so it seemed. Not only was zilch happening, it really looked to all his and his servant's senses that there was not even a remote chance of rain. It wasn't turning brisk; there wasn't a Godly rumble from the heavenlies; no encouraging angels to turn up and wow everybody. There was just this old bloke, on his face, looking and sounding a numpty by asking the impossible and visibly failing. Even on the 7th time, when there was a cloud, his servant must have thought Elijah was howlingly insane: the servant gently pointed out that whilst, yes, there was a cloud...it was a single, solo excuse for a cloud, barely the size of his hand. And how he must have muttered under his breath when Elijah, upon hearing the underwhelming news, commanded him to go and tell the king, double-quick, as it shortly going to bucket itself down. Yeahright, after months of drought.
   But rain it did; threw it down like stair-rods too.
       Which has what to do with the tale of the Rav?
  Well: I set out to do the impossible: to trace the immobiliser wires and unsplice them from their locations...this was after ensuring my little workaround of disengaging battery, turning key to accessories point, then connecting battery before(I was certain) the final quack of the key awoke the car from it coma like Sleeping Beauty with a handful of snow stuck down the back of her nightie. I was sure that either of the now-charged batteries would now fire her up, aware that this set of impossibilities had to be done for the car to be able to actually go to get its new alternator tomorrow.
    Nope. Didn't happen. In fact, the workaround failed to disengage the or fool the immobiliser...and I couldn't even find the immobiliser's brain and tripes: or rather, I found many things that could be them but they were just...wires, and I'd no idea where they led.
 So I walked down to warn the mechanic: we might need to get the car dragged or towed to the garage tomorrow. I also ran the situation by another helpful and knowldegeable autopart chap: could be alternator; could be leads, could be starter...
  Thus, far from in any way resolved, the situation was even more resembling a maelstrom of chaos, expense and uncertainty: this was not how it was supposed to be going, especially with the prayer I'd tried to hotwire into it and the prayers of others(that seem often more efficacious than my own at times like this).
   And so, far from getting on top of the swearing and kicking it out with the slippers of peace; far from seeing it all come together a result of applying a dose of right action, I was pretty mullered with it all...do I have another go in worsening light at locating the immobiliser..?...do I throw lots of money at an autoleccy and pray that he has it sorted by tomorrow, thus still not knowing what and where the faults are...?

    And in cold, consternation, failure and embracement of life's repeated fallenness being meted out to me once more, I wrack my brains till I stop.
   Then: an odd thought comes to me: not a good one but one that takes time, asking people and getting into a queue and being kept on hold...just when I should be doing something:
  For some reason, my car insurance included RAC cover. I'd never asked for it, it was just part of the deal for this year only...but surely it would not cover a vehicle at home? And surely they would not turn out, given the amount of punters who must be stuck at roadsides in the cold? And surely they'd not get past the immobiliser sitch, let alone get the car going...?
    Well: I was kept on hold till I almost gave up, and past the point of losing hope; and they phoned to tell me it'll be ages yet as they're, er, snowed under....even, they could be helped if I decided they could come tomorrow....so, with a resigned and forlorn despair, I mailed a mate to update him on the crappy news...testifying of nothing but how "it" had won and I'd lost, of the  "world" winning and me losing, despite my well-meaning prophetic predictions on the impossible outcome from an Impossible God....
...and then...
...just as I wrote this from the depths....
went the phone to tell me the RAC man was on the way. The light was fading, the day was beyond salvage surely, but at least once he'd gone I could phone the autoleccy chap maybe....
....And though I prayed under my breath for successs...and despite me stammering out all sorts of various "helpful" summaries of the car's elctrical behaviour over the past month, this chap looked and rattled and tweaked...and in 20 minutes he'd saved me Getting Someone In at £30+ per hour, as there was a satisfying click that signified the disengagement of the immobiliser.
  Not only that, but he then cobbled together a temporary earth strap, as he'd diagnosed at least some of the plethora of problems as stemming from earthing issues: hence the high resistance and the restricted current getting back to the battery. All this done just as the light went, all for free, all because I'd had RAC cover that I was only barely aware I'd got let alone have need of. God only knew, so I've thought, that I'd be helped by the blessing of the right thing at His right time, and in a way designed to get my attention and learn about His way of doing things next to my ways.
  So. Car in tomorrow: maybe an alternator, maybe not even that now the earthing has been, er, unearthed. And money saved already on the immobiliser thang. All impossible until it happens....
  And now? At least I'm learning slowly not to expend further energy looking for a worldly post hoc explanation, especially when faced with the reality of getting prayers answered.
  Because if God cannot answer prayers( and for whatever reason from not being bothered to not actually existing), then prayer would be pointless, a waste of breath and so many illogical turns of one's starter.....

...and how many times do I have to be impossibly immobilised and rendered powerless, just so I start to learn and believe exactly Whose power is supposed to make my own engine go...?

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